
This is a playful analysis that ranks New Zealand’s Territorial Authorities (TAs) based on which one is the best location to retire. The interactive is here

This is the first release of data and methods by the New Zealand Herald’s data journalism team. The release is made to both enable transparency and provide resources for others interested in data analysis in New Zealand. Please submit any comments or corrections as GitHub issues on the project’s GitHub page

The code used in the analysis here should work on Linux and OS X machines. But it is unlikely to work on a Windows computer.

Due to the large differences in population and area with New Zealand’s TAs comparisons between them so not always make sense. However for this analysis, TAs were the most practical subdivision of New Zealand.


The following datasets were used:

  • Average rates paid in 2016
  • Burglaries per capita in 2017
  • The average annual sunshine between 1973 and 2013
  • The proportion and size of the current population that is over 65
  • The number of DHB staff per capita in 2017
  • The cost and availability of 2 bedroom properties in 2017

Data sources

Average Rates

The average annual rates in each TA were calculated from:

These spreadsheets where provided to the New Zealand Herald by StatsNZ. But the data can also be accessed directly via


The number of burglaries per capita for each Teritorial Authority were calculated from:

Unfortunately it was necessary to manually copy the number of Unlawful Entry With Intent/Burglary, Break and Enter incidents for each TA. This data is here

The extract of the Subnational population estimates used is here


The average annual sunshine per TA was calculated using:

Population over 65

The proportion of the population over 65 was drawn from:

The extract of the Subnational population estimates used is here

DHB Staff per capita

The DHB staff per capita for each TA were estimated from the DHB Staff per capita for each DHB.

The data used were:

The DHB population estimates are here and the area unit population estimates are here

Two bedroom property cost and availability

The estimated median value, the total number of properties, the median sale price in 2017 and the number of properties sold in to 2017 were provided to the New Zealand Herald by CoreLogic.

The data used is here.

Data analysis

The overall analysis was overlly sophisticated. Each TA was ranked according to the 6 criteria outlined above and then then calculated the average rank for each TA. In the cases were multiple data contributed to a single criteria then each of those datasets where ranked and the average rank calculated.

Data loading

All datasets are loaded into a PostgreSQL database. This process is managed via a makefile. If you checkout the source code of this project, and have PostgreSQL installed just run make .o/load - DO NOT do this if you have a database called retirement already

The loading steps just import the shape, raster and CSV files into a database. All subsequent analysis is carried out within the database and the SQL scripts are included here for reference.

Average Rates, Burglary per capita, and population over 65

These calculations were all simple and can be seen here:


SELECT d.ta, round(r.y2016 * 1e3 / d.count) as avg_rates
FROM dwellings d
JOIN total_rates r
  ON lower(d.ta) = lower(replace(r.ta, ' Council', ''))


SELECT c.ta, round(c.burglary / value * 100000) AS burglary
FROM crime c
LEFT join ta_pop p
  ON lower(c.ta) = lower(p.area)
WHERE age = 'Total people, age'
  AND year = '2017'

Over 65

SELECT r.area as ta, r.value as over65_pop, round(r.value / t.value * 100,1) as over65_pc
FROM ta_pop r
JOIN ta_pop t
  ON r.area = t.area
  AND r.year = t.year
JOIN rates rr ON
  lower(rr.ta) = lower(t.area) -- JUST filter out boards 
WHERE r.age = '65 years and over'
  AND t.age = 'Total people, age'
  AND r.year = '2016'

Two bedroom properties

No actual calculation was needed for this data.


PostGIS was used to clip the national sunshine data provided by MfE to each TA and then extract the average value across the TA.

WITH _s AS (
  SELECT ta2017_nam, st_summarystats(st_clip(rast, geom)) aS stats
  FROM ta2017_gv_clipped, sunshine
SELECT ta2017_nam, round((stats).mean) AS mean
WHERE ta2017_nam != 'Area Outside Territorial Authority'

DHB staff

This is probably the weakest and most complicated portion of the analysis. It is also the portion of the analysis that may be best replaced with some other measure.

The process was:

  • Use DHB population to calculate a nominal number of DHB employees based on the employees per capita.
  • Assume that DHB staff are spread equally across all Area Units (which they certainly are not) and estimate a DHB staff per area unit value.
  • Where an area unit is in multiple DHBs calculate a fraction of the population that in each DHB using the Area Unit and DHB geographies. This fraction is used to weight the contribution of each DHB to the estimated number of staff in the Area Unit
  • Sum up the DHB staff in each TA from the Area Units
  • Divide the estimated DHB staff for each TA by the population of the TA.

WITH _a AS (
  , au2017 || ' ' || au2017_nam as au
  , round((st_area(st_intersection(au.geom, dhb.geom)) / (au.area_sq_km * 1e6))::numeric, 3) as overlap
FROM au2017_gv_clipped au
INNER JOIN "district-health-board-2015" dhb
ON ST_Intersects(au.geom, dhb.geom)
WHERE dhb2015_na != 'Area outside District Health Board'
SELECT *, rank() over (partition by au order by overlap)
where overlap > 0

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW healthcare_professionals_nominal AS
  , p.all_staff * d.value / 100000 as all_staff
  , p.senior_medical * d.value / 100000 as senior_medical
  , p.junior_medical * d.value / 100000 as junior_medical
  , p.care_support * d.value / 100000 as care_support
  , p.nurses * d.value / 100000 as nurses
  , p.allied * d.value / 100000 as allied
  , d.value AS population
FROM healthcare_professionals p
LEFT JOIN dhb_pop d
  ON p.dhb = d.area
WHERE age = 'Total people, age'
AND year = '2016'

WITH _pop AS (
  SELECT au.*, p.value AS au_pop, d.value AS dhb_pop,
  p.value / d.value * overlap as weight
  FROM dhb_au_overlap au
  JOIN au_pop p
    ON = p.area
  JOIN dhb_pop d
    ON au.dhb2015_na = d.area
  WHERE d.year = '2016'
    AND d.age = 'Total people, age'
SELECT h.dhb
  , a.au_pop
  , all_staff * weight as all_staff
  , senior_medical * weight as senior_medical
  , junior_medical * weight as junior_medical
  , care_support * weight as care_support
  , nurses * weight as nurses
  , allied * weight as allied
FROM _pop a
INNER JOIN healthcare_professionals_nominal h
  ON a.dhb2015_na = h.dhb

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW healthcare_ta_nominal AS
SELECT ta2017_label
  , sum(all_staff) AS all_staff
  , sum(senior_medical) AS senior_medical
  , sum(junior_medical) AS junior_medical
  , sum(care_support) AS care_support
  , sum(nurses) AS nurses
  , sum(allied) AS allied
FROM healthcare_au a
INNER JOIN ta_au_lookup l
  ON =
GROUP BY ta2017_label

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW healthcare_ta_percap AS
WITH _pop AS (
  SELECT area, value
  FROM ta_pop
  WHERE year = '2016' and age = 'Total people, age'
SELECT ta2017_label
  , round(all_staff / p.value::numeric * 100000) as all_staff
  , round(senior_medical / p.value::numeric * 100000) as senior_medical
  , round(junior_medical / p.value::numeric * 100000) as junior_medical
  , round(care_support / p.value::numeric * 100000) as care_support
  , round(nurses / p.value::numeric * 100000) as nurses
  , round(allied / p.value::numeric * 100000) as allied
FROM healthcare_ta_nominal
JOIN _pop p on lower(area) = lower(ta2017_label)
WHERE ta2017_label not in ('Chatham Islands Territory')


The rankings were as follows:


  • Rank ascending based on average rates


  • Rank ascending based on burglaries per capita


  • Rank descending based on sunshine hours


  • Rank descending based on proportion of population over 65
  • Rank descending based on total size of population over 65

Two bedroom property

  • Rank ascending based on median value
  • Rank descending based on total properties
  • Rank ascending based on median price in 2017
  • Rank descending based on volume of sales in 2017

DHB Staff

  • Ranks descending on total staff per capita
  • Ranks descending on senior medical staff per capita
  • Ranks descending on junior medical staff per capita
  • Ranks descending on care and support staff per capita
  • Ranks descending on nursing staff per capita
  • Ranks descending on allied and scientific staff per capita
CREATE or replace view health_rank AS
WITH _r AS (
  SELECT ta2017_label
   , rank() over (order by all_staff desc) as all_staff
   , rank() over (order by senior_medical desc) as senior_medical
   , rank() over (order by junior_medical desc) as junior_medical
   , rank() over (order by care_support desc) as care_support
   , rank() over (order by nurses desc) as nurses
   , rank() over (order by allied desc) as allied
  FROM healthcare_ta_percap
select ta2017_label as ta, rank() over (order by (all_staff + senior_medical + junior_medical + care_support + nurses + allied)::numeric / 6)
FROM _r;

create or replace view over65_rank as
with _inner as (
  select ta, rank() over (order by over65_pop desc) as pop, rank() over (order by over65_pc desc) as pc
  from over65
select ta, rank() over (order by pop + pc)
from _inner;

create or replace view property_rank as
with _inner as (
  select name as ta
  , rank() over (order by total_sales_in_2017 desc) as sales
  , rank() over (order by median_sales_price) as price
  , rank() over (order by total_properties desc) as total
  , rank() over (order by median_value) as value
  FROM two_bedroom
SELECT *, rank() over (order by (sales + price + total + value)::numeric / 4)
FROM _inner;

create or replace view rank as
with _inner AS (
select r.ta
  , rank() over (order by avg_rates) as rates
  , rank() over (order by mean desc) as sunshine
  , rank() over (order by burglary) as burglary
  , o.rank as over65
  , h.rank as health
  , p.rank as property
from rates r
left join ta_sunshine s
  on r.ta = s.ta2017_nam
left join over65_rank o
  on lower(r.ta) = lower(o.ta)
left join health_rank h
  on r.ta = h.ta
left join property_rank p
  on r.ta = p.ta
left join crime_percap c
  ON lower(r.ta) = lower(c.ta)
select *, rank() over (order by (rates + sunshine + over65 + health + property + burglary)::numeric / 6) as overall
from _inner